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Year: 2021
Company: Clozette
Campaign Type: Standard Advertorial
The purpose of this campaign was to let readers find out more about FLO Optic's branding in Singapore as even though they are popular in Japan, many Singaporeans are still unaware of their brand and also to specifically promote their .001 spectacles series. 

To help readers find out more about FLO Optics, they were featured in our Chinese New Year Zodiac Forecast Facebook Live here, where our hosts introduced the brand as well as .001 spectacles according to the lucky colors of the different zodiacs. Furthermore, a pre-FB Live article was also written to let readers know about the background and mission of the brand. 

This pre-FB Live article was also accompanied with a Facebook Post & IG Post feature on Clozette's social media pages to garner more traffic. 
Additionally, we also designed store vouchers for FLO Optics.
Read pre-article here:
To find out more about Chinese New Year Zodiac Forecast Facebook Live, click here.
Pre-FB Live Article Social Media Posts:
IG Post Carousell 1.PNG
FB Post (5).PNG
Store Voucher Design:
21-FLO OPTICS Voucher 03.png
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