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Year: 2020
Company: Clozette 
Campaign Type: Standard Advertorial with Product Sampling, Review Contest & Review Testimony Video
The purpose of this campaign was to promote d program by The Shiseido Group and to not only let readers know more about the product's benefits but also let them try it for themselves through our free sampling program. 

To garner genuine reviews on the products, a review contest was also created for people who sampled the products. These reviews were then showcased on the article.

Furthermore, 4 real reviewers were also selected to film a video testimony on their journey with d program by The Shiseido Group. This video was then used by the client for various marketing purposes on their Instagram, Facebook and YouTube channel.
The advertorial was also accompanied with a Facebook Post & IG Story feature on Clozette's social media pages to garner more reads, a Facebook Post & IG Story feature on Clozette's social media to attract more people to redeem samples and lastly, a Facebook Post & IG Story feature on Clozette's social media to garner more reviews. To end it off, the review video testimony was also posted on Clozette's Facebook Page and IG Page.
Read article here:
Sampling Program (On the article itself):
Article with sampling form.png
d program Sampling Form Design.png
Review Contest (On the article itself):
Article with contest review GIF.png
d program Contest Review Design.gif
Article contest review submission form p
Review Column (On the article itself):
D Program By Shi.png
D Program By Shi.png
Review Video Testimony:
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